Anime Fire Force. Possessed by demons people have begun to burst into flame leading to the establishment of a special firefighting team. With Derick Snow Alexis Tipton Eric Vale Jeremy Inman.
The first opening theme is Inferno by Mrs. Check out chapter 1. One Fire Force fan has really set the world on fire with one awesome Maki Oze cosplay.
The Fire Force ready to roll on a moments notice to fight spontaneous combustion anywhere it might break out.
Seri anime Fire Force didasarkan dari manga berjudul sama yang ditulis dan diilustrasikan oleh Atsushi ŌkuboAdaptasi berupa seri anime yang diproduksi oleh studio David Production diumumkan pada tanggal 4 November 2018. Possessed by demons people have begun to burst into flame leading to the establishment of a special firefighting team. Tokyo is burning and citizens are mysteriously suffering from spontaneous human combustion throughout the city. The Fire Force ready to roll on a moments notice to fight spontaneous combustion anywhere it might break out.