Hello World Anime Book. Within the city lives Naomi Katagaki a socially awkward and introverted boy with a love for books and Ruri Ichigyou a girl with a cold personality who is often blunt with people. Book Discovery is one of the topic segments of Literateknolohitura where we will feature old books you might have not heard before and also upcoming new books depends on our mood.
Hello World starts with an introduction of the. December 4 2021 at 603 pm. Eroge Moe Japanese Videogame All catalog book 1998 full color 153 title full introduction.
SINGAPORE Set in futuristic Kyoto in 2027 anime film Hello World by director Tomohiko Itō is a complicated time travel love storyThe story revolves around a guy named Naomi Katagaki voiced by Takumi Kitamura better known for his lead role in Japanese live-action film Let Me Eat Your Pancreas.
358 out of 5 from 17 votes. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Books Appeared in the 2019 Anime Film Hello World and Another World My last book discovery post was in February 2019. Looking for information on the anime Hello World.