Hello World Anime Plot Explained. This will serve as Tomohikos first animation work since his previous film Sword Art Online. Within the city lives naomi katagaki a socially awkward and introverted boy with a love for books and ruri ichigyou a girl with a cold personality who is often blunt with people but shares his love for reading.
Within the city lives naomi katagaki a socially awkward and introverted boy with a love for books and ruri ichigyou a girl with a cold personality who is often blunt with people but shares his love for reading. I think it went as you explained it too couldnt connect the dots on how Naomi was in a coma. Hello World director Tomohiko Itou has previous experience in the realm of sci-fi romance as he handled the first two seasons of popular anime Sword Art Online and was the assistant director for the film The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.
The story revolves around a teenage high school kid Naomi Katagaki who one day after school meets a mysterious man who turns out.
The story revolves around a guy named Naomi Katagaki voiced by. Both share a love for reading books. The year is 2027 and the city of Kyoto has undergone tremendous technological advancement. The story revolves around a teenage high school kid Naomi Katagaki who one day after school meets a mysterious man who turns out.